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Health & Well-being Goals


Ensure 60% of KDP products provide position hydration by 2025


Reduce beverage calories consumed per person in the U.S. by 20% by 2025, as part of the beverage industry’s Balance Calories Initiative

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We aim to be a trusted partner on the well-being journey of our consumers, and we have expanded the way we think about health, focusing on not only the reduction of calories or sugar, but also offering nutritional and/or functional attributes.

Positive Hydration

We define a positive hydration product as one that provides a serving of fruits or vegetables OR is below 40 calories per serving with a functional attribute (e.g., antioxidants to help fight cellular damage from free radicals; healthy digestive system support with dietary fiber; hydration with water; immune support with vitamins A, C, E and zinc; relaxation with L-theanine) or at least 10% Daily Value of a nutrient to encourage (calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, protein, vitamin A, C and D). Examples of existing positive hydration products include non-caloric coffees and teas, 100% fruit juice and sauces with no sugar added, low-calorie energy and soft drinks and sparkling, still and functional waters.

More Choices, Less Sugar, to More People

Beyond the positive hydration products in our portfolio, KDP continues to expand consumer choices that complement a balanced lifestyle. For instance, KDP has reformulated products to reduce sugar and calories, and is continually introducing products that offer functional benefits. We also offer smaller portion sizes, like full-calorie beverages in mini cans, to give people more control over their calorie consumption. In order to reach a diverse mix of consumers, we have accelerated and expanded the distribution of our better-for-you offerings to new and varied markets through new outreach at both the local and national level.

Industry Collaboration

We collaborate with industry partners, including the American Beverage Association, the Canadian Beverage Association and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, on the Balance Calories Initiative. The 2021 U.S. National BCI Progress Report highlighted the long-term trends that show industry efforts have contributed to reducing the calories per person by 7.4% nationally since the 2014 launch of BCI. In the 2021 Canadian report, the Conference Board of Canada determined a 16% reduction in the amount of beverage calories consumed by Canadians.

Labeling, Product Facts & Responsible Marketing

We believe we have a responsibility to be transparent about what is in our products and share information to help all of us make better decisions. That is why we, along with industry peers, include front-of-pack calorie labelling and promote calorie awareness on company-owned vending equipment and coolers. We also have a detailed Product Facts website, that includes information such as ingredients, calories and product and packaging highlights for all our cold and hot beverages. In addition, we are committed to advertising all of our products in a responsible and truthful manner. As members of the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI), we pledge to not advertise products to children under 13 unless they meet CFBAI’s nutrition criteria. To advance our transparency and rigor around our marketing practices and standards, KDP published a new Responsible Marketing Policy for the U.S. in 2023.

Health & Well-being Partners

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